Four Reasons to Collect Samurai Weapons

Samurai Weapons

One question that tops the list is this.

Why do people actually collect Samurai Weapons?

This, for sure, has a diverse long list of answers, depending on who you’ll ask. If you think about it practically, the military and the police do not use this as a weapon anymore. One can’t even have it beside them at all times in this modern age. So why buy a weapon that has no use? Or so some people thought.

This tackles the very reasons to answer that general question. If you’re in for an awesome journey of discovering and dissecting probable reasoning to decipher why there are people who just love to collect Samurai swords, then you’re most welcome to continue reading.

Top 4: Weapon-Based Martial Arts Styles

Even the use of weapons has its art. People buy weapons such as Samurai Swords to practice Martial Arts.

To give a definition, Martial Arts are traditions and practices of training for combat. This is studied for various reasons, but with a single objective: to defend oneself.

Martial Arts can also be linked to religious beliefs such as Daoism, Shinto, or Buddhism. It is usually associated with the East Asian culture, and in Europe, it is collectively known as Historical European Martial Arts.

Although it is a fact that it isn’t as common as before, there are still a lot of people willing to use their time to study Martial Arts. It is for the sake of learning and keeping the fire burning.

Obviously, you won’t learn Martial Arts without weapons. A variation of weapons are used for learning and practicing Martial Arts.

Some of these weapons are Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Flexible Weapons, and Defensive Weapons.

So if you’re planning to enroll and study Martial Arts, rest assured there are plenty of weapons you can choose from that best suits you!

Top 3: Weapons remind life itself.

Of course, weapons live more than their owners. For a lot of reasons, they remind how precious one’s life is. The older your weapon is, the more it has seen a lot in history which you can only read about now.

Imagine reading about a story of a famous weapon that everyone just wants to have a keep…. and you just own the piece. Isn’t that awesome? It’s like you have a part of that weapon’s history as you are his master for that lifetime.

Weapons are also a reminder that life does not have forever. They make you aware of your own mortality, allowing you to create more memories and live your life to the fullest.

They can outlive you, but you will always be remembered by the sword and by the next owner (that will definitely by your family) that you were one badass person who bought and took care of a relevant piece of history.

The weapon that you own will become a source of inspiration, not just to you but to the people who see the beauty of owning one.

Top 2: There’s more to it than its price tag.

Allowing oneself to indulge in collecting a part of history is definitely a passion that you can only get once in your lifetime. Collecting weapons isn’t just a waste of space or money.

Learning and understanding each weapon’s previous life is something definitely worth the time and effort. These weapons have the fragrance of a culture that has become a huge part of Japan.

This culture which shaped and reshaped how Japan is now will definitely stay longer than you think it will.

Weapons are relevant instruments during wars. It was used mostly during Medieval Japan and has seen its country win and lose. It has seen its people cry in battle and fight for their country.

These weapons were the power which warriors placed their faiths in. They believed its strength and fought to risk their lives, believing that the weapons will help win their fights.

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They helped fill Japan with a rich history and create moments that have a high possibility of not occurring ever again. These weapons are bigger than its price tag. And it has seen more deaths and evolution that any human being.

Weaponry evolution really did a big impact on the progress of global warfare. In Japan, aside from filling its rich arts and culture, it also shaped flawless battle tactics, disciplines, and training that are still being practices with such high regard today.

This is a passion worth noting and keeping; a passion that helps these weapons remain alive and view how time passes by it.

Swordsmiths forged Samurai Swords with passion and affection. They basically placed their hearts unto their works, that is why these weapons are considered priceless.

Do you think it would hurt to collect such awesome and priceless items?

Top 1: All That History in One Piece

If you’re a fan of history, then collecting Samurai Weapons shouldn’t be too difficult to decide on. It is full of history for these weapons were actually there when something relevant happened (literally!).

Accordingly, the majority of these weapons are several hundred years old; that is why it’s definitely an awesome object to have. It isn’t just the weapon. It is also who owned it during that Medieval time that makes it extra special.

One particular Samurai is Akechi Mitsuhide, a famous attendant to Oda Nobunaga. He is notoriously known for deceiving and leading troops against Oda in 1582 incident at Honnô-ji, in which Nobunaga was killed.

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His sword was of the Tensho Style, and the Tensho Koshirae was first created to be an imitation of Akechi Mitsuhide’s own sword.

So you see, even the previous owner of each weapon has their own contribution to the relevance of their weapons today.

Another example of a weapon is the Japanese Katana, which is considered as one of the world’s most popular and recognized swords. It is characterized by its single-edged, curved blade and a two-handed hilt. 

The Katana definitely proved its worth in shaping Japan. It was first mentioned during Japan’s Kamakura Period, date range from 1185 to 1333.

What a thrill!

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Original price was: $69.Current price is: $58.

Such a daring ride, wasn’t it? Understanding and trying to figure out if you want to buy a Samurai Weapon is definitely quite difficult to think about. But once you’ve weighed the pros and cons of each, you’ll then realize that it’s definitely worth it!

Always remember that each person has his/her preference for what to collect. Some people have a collection of cars, old coins, and even old grandpa clocks. So if you’re ever asked,

Why do people collect Samurai weapons?

You can always answer them.

Why not?